这是2016年1月13日美国即将离任的总统奥巴马最后的国情咨文发布后,英国广播公司(BBC)北美编辑约恩·索佩尔(Jon Sopel)在他的评文(“Obama makes the case for his legacy”)中刻薄地评价:去除奥巴马遣词造句的娴熟技巧和华丽辞藻,这篇国情咨文无非传达了这样的信息:“我来的时候只有一堆热腾腾的屎,现在却真地好起来了。”
Without the verbal dexterity or phrase-making elan that have been his oratorical hallmark – I could sum it up crudely as: “It was a pile of steaming ordure when I got here, but it’s really pretty good now.”
2016年1月13日英国广播公司(BBC)北美编辑约恩·索佩尔(Jon Sopel)在他的评文(“Obama makes the case for his legacy”)原文全文链接:
Obama makes the case for his legacy