2017.6.14 Yahoo雅虎走入历史……


威瑞森(Verizon)在6月13日,以44亿8000万美元($4.48 billion),收购市值曾经超过千亿元的雅虎(Yahoo),这意味着雅虎已经失去了独立运营企业的身分;不过,包括雅虎邮箱和网站在内的所有产品将得以保留,现有用户不会受到影响。

威瑞森收购的雅虎网络资产,将和旗下美国在线(AOL)的赫芬顿邮报(Huffington Post)等品牌进行整合;新子公司名为Oath,由美国在线前执行长阿姆斯壮(Tim Armstrong)领导,旗下将包括逾50家媒体和科技品牌。

这笔交易的完成,意味着雅虎作为一家自营公司的历史正式结束;雅虎剩余资产会更名为Altaba,主要包括所持的阿里巴巴15%股份、雅虎日本35.5%股份、现金、可转换债券以及非核心专利资产Excalibur。雅虎称董事会成员麦凯内尼(Thomas McInerney)将担任Altaba执行长。



David Ramos/Bloomberg via Getty Images
Employees take a break in the cafeteria of the sales office at the Yahoo Inc. headquarters in Barcelona, Spain, on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014. A smart city initiative, which also involves rolling out electric vehicles and bikes and making neighborhood blocks’ energy output self-sufficient, widescale deployment of sensors and quick-response codes to 8,000 points around the city by the end of the year to provide location-based information to anyone with a smartphone, could save Barcelona 3 billion euros in the next decade. Photographer: David Ramos/Bloomberg via Getty Images


